I always focus on the chakra system/energy centers in the body as that is the most important part of you in my humbled opinion. If any of your chakras are blocked it affects your energy when your energy is affected and can not move into the next chakra/energy center then there is energy that gets stuck and can not move through your body. Your bodies energy is a torus field going through you and one going around your heart which is very important to keep flowing in and around you and when energy is stuck it has a hard time to get the energy going through.
IF the energy stays stuck from childhood into adulthood then you can bet your still living in the past and not able to think forward for yourself. It's because when the energy is stuck your thoughts are stuck too almost like being in a mental prison of your own past thoughts and events. Like an old tape it all just keeps playing over and over.
Once you get a refreshed energy through your body suddenly you begin to think better, feel better, your organs have fresh energy pulsing through, your chakra system can breath in a sense and your lungs have fresh air in them.
Most are walking around shallow breathing due to trauma and unresolved issues and the constant state of rush rush and go go go never taking a step back to breath or even think about what your actually doing.
Once you start receiving fresh new energy in your body it is limitless to all of the benefits that can take place. I am a advocate for Energy healing and addiction, trauma, and all mental health, physical issues because I know this is the piece that is missing for humanity. We have come a long way in the last 10 years and that is great and the more people can jump on board to refreshing their energy systems the easier it will be for you and everyone to continue this path towards a better world. It all starts within you. IF there is no peace within then their can not be peace around you as you will create what you think about and what you feel daily.
When you go outside and connect your feet to the earth and your crown to the sun then you are allowing yourself to be at one with the earth which you are a part of it all.
This is not new age woo woo this is ancient old information that if you travel around the world you can see it all very clearly! Our Ancient ancestors knew it and time for humanity to get in line with it so we can move forward!
Right now we are shifting so quickly and it is a beautiful process to see it all unfold. We must begin to take off the glasses of the old and begin to shift our mind and put on the glasses of the new. The world in which you think you want to live in is already here.
It is all about how you think and feel about your current reality. If you see a world of pain and suffering then that is what will unfold all around you. When you feel into the life you truly want to live then you are able to allow it to all unfold.
If your chakra system is blocked and energy is stuck it can be hard to see what you want to create and you will want to get yourself a healing energy session or get out into nature and do some deep breathing techniques that will enhance the energy in your body and mind.
For more information on Healing Energy Sessions I offer you can go here: