The best way to know if your Sacral Chakra needs healing is by knowing what some of the signs are.🧡
Here are some signs: • You’re addicted to anything that brings pleasure such as food, gambling, sex, work, alcohol, drugs, compulsive buying, etc. • You feel emotionally numb or cold • You’re sexually frigid, and you have a low to non-existent libido • Or You’re sexually impulsive, and your libido tends to be in overdrive • You’re neurotic, and you can’t handle spontaneity or uncertainty • You’ve got reproductive problems such as infertility, impotence or menstrual issues • You’re constantly fatigued, and you have little energy for anything • You feel repressed from expressing your true feelings • You’re extremely emotionally reactive, and you’re a drama king or queen • You’re emotionally hypersensitive OR emotionally aloof • You’re creatively blocked, and you tend to overthink everything • You have lower back, kidney or stomach disorders
Do any of these stand out for you? When I began my own healing work a lot of these were issues for me. I went through life thinking that this is who I am and the signs above were just normal bc everyone around me was experiencing it too. We think this is a part of our personality, our genes, or we think our families were this way so we will be too. That belief is simply not accurate anymore. The most important thing to know and understand as a human is that you are malleable. You have the capacity to change and adapt to anything. We get to be anything we want to be. If you want to be a doctor, engineer, healer, painter, artist, speaker, writer whatever it is you want to be you get to decide and do it! It’s not too late to be that being you have been dreaming of since you were a child. You just have to clear your mind from the old programs and beliefs that no longer serve you! I have completely retrained, refreshed, and recharged who I am! I am always available to chat about how I did it and always willing to be a listening ear, helping hand, and open heart for you to move through things that no longer serve you!! Happy Sunday! Hope it’s a wonderful day for each of you