I moved to Hawaii to begin training to become a healer and that is where it all happened On Oahu island!
I didn’t know what light language was until I had a healer work on me and spoke to me in this language. I remember my body and mind shifting, still I had no idea how this worked or what it was.
I moved to Hawaii to begin training to be a healer and I was taking some time to meditate one day and a group of people I knew were having a ceremony on the serpent of the mound and it was online and this one lady got up and began speaking in light language and I drifted out into a deep meditative state and as she finished up I remember my heart burst open and I began speaking this strange language. It felt so good to my body and mind that I couldn’t stop speaking it. I was in awe at how it felt and the way my mouth was moving in the perfect way with the tones and how it felt.
I had braces on at the time and speaking an entirely different way and language I remember my mouth was getting cut up from the braces but honestly I didn’t care at all I just kept speaking it and my vibration just kept going higher and higher. It felt so good!
From that day forward I began the training to become a Light Language Master. There are skills that I have learned using light language and my healing abilities that have a massive impact on clients lives. I am truly amazed at how it has impacted peoples lives!
The activations that happen for people releases the old stagnant energy and transforms it into this very activating evolving energy within the client. Its for sure otherworldly new skills for this planet!
I use sacred geometry, color, numbers, exact key codes specific for you, frequencies of certain energies that I need at the moment, and so much more to assist clients. Its new to this planet but my soul knows exactly what it is doing!
It was really neat how the training happens within my mind. It was like slowly learning how to pay attention to multiple things at once. I started out focusing on one thing then I would see something else coming up and I would be focusing on both in regards to energies and what each one is doing then added 3 in and 4 and now its really adding in all that I want and seeing it all work together like a puzzle for my client.
Adding in the right ingredient at the right time. Its quite interesting how it all works and the clients are sitting there in a place of peace as I work.
So much information comes up as I am working with clients and I do not hold back! We work in unique ways that bring BIG changes to your life.
Light Language is a very powerful healing tool and with the added skills and abilites I have remembered it just amplifies the sessions.
So many are beginning to speak their own language of the Soul and its really helping our world. The language of the Soul which is light language is ancient and very old.
When you begin to speak your own language it truly enhances your life and mind on all levels!
I love helping others step into their multi dimensional selves and light language is a huge part of helping people get there.
If you are interested in understanding more or experiencing light language healings for yourself I would be happy to assist you!