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My unique healing abilities & Path

Writer's picture: ashley steenashley steen

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

I wanted to share a little about my healing story and abilities and what all I am attuned to.

I started receiving my own reiki sessions for 6 months going every Friday. After my first session I knew this is what I was meant to do. I was working at a mental health clinic and debating on whether to go back to school to help addicts but I knew I didn’t want the restrictions of the traditional route.

I then moved to Hawaii and started studying with a Reiki Master Teacher. She taught me Reiki I and Reiki II. Certified.

Receiving Reiki attunements and teachings on a beach in Hawaii it was a very special time for me to step up and into that role that I knew I was meant to go down.

I then attended Reiki Shamanic II in Colorado with a lovely Shamanic Reiki Practitioner and realized quickly that was who I was evolving into and remembering my gifts slowly but surely. Embodying the universal forces and all that the universe encompasses inside of my body mind and spirit has been intense to say the least. Lol

I then became attuned to Dragon Reiki and Became a Dragon Master. Very powerful energies that the dragons have taught me to use and still teach me with the wisdom and love. It’s like Reiki but stronger!

I received my Reiki Master/Teacher Attunement the day before I jumped on a plane to Israel and oh wow if that attunement and class  wasn’t intense enough then I step out into the land of Israel which is home to many of our souls and the downloads and activations did not stop for 10 days and even after I got home. The memories, the profound thoughts, the wisdom, the love for humanity, just all of it was pouring through during this time and long after.

I then received Sacred Bird Attunements from a wonderful Shaman here in Colorado.

This was a favorite class of mine as I feel very connected to the birds and Even have 3 crows that fly with me wherever I go and Hawks that meet me at certain junctions of my daily travels! Talk about an entourage! I am a channel for the sacred birds and a vessel for them to heal through me. The Sacred Birds are Eagles, Condor, Hawks, Goose, Crows, Owls.

I am a channel for Seraphim Angels and was taught by a wonderful teacher in Colorado. The Seraph Adalian initiate you to become a new earth guardian for the Crystalline city of the New Avalon.

Also a Seraphim channel for the Rose Pyramid System for Soul realization with Seraph Michaka and Andalithar of Andromeda.

I kept healing and working on myself daily since receiving my reiki I attunement as my teacher in Hawaii encouraged. I still do a quick healing every morning on myself and before bed. It’s just a part of my routine now.

I then became more and more opened to my psychic abilities and learning to use them daily. Spirit really taught me about being multi dimensional and how to work with it.

It has been no easy task to get to this point but I did it.

I then started working with my higher self and my guides and God as I was guided to do so. The teachers were there to give me the attunements and send me down the path lit up with my light on.

So down the path I went and oh boy was the path long, lonely, and painful some days but when I got to the next mountain top of light and a new level I knew I was on the right path. I then learned my own patterns and how my guides were leading me.

Since we are shifting the planet so quickly I had to purge and upgrade and I have/had a cycle to do so. It’s not as intense as it used to be!

Back when we were all shifting intense energies I was down and out for a week or 2. Then it became a few days, then 1 day and now possibly like a half a day or so. Then I am back up and going.

That’s how your body is shifitng from carbon to crystalline. It’s going from karma based to cleared in one lifetime and you are clearing all karmic cycles not only from this life time but all of them!

During this time alone on my path walking with God, Spirit Guides, and Angelic Realms I was initiated almost daily and still being initiated to this day. It’s been almost 8 years of this intense initiation process and it looks different for every initiation with each group of guides. It’s been Quite the experience.

Here is a list of some of my known gifts that I received through these initiations that I use during my healings depending on what you are needing and who you are as a soul.

-Christed white light

-Blue flame and Blue Ray from Source/God

-Diamond Violet flame St Germain and the violet flame angels

-Rainbow flame (I can use each color of the rainbow as a flame energy and each one has a specific job and use for the color)

-Attuned to the Arch Angels with specific symbols for the chakras.

-Planets (I can channel through any planet for their specific frequency)

-Sun (I channel through the frequency of the sun for profound healing shifts)

-I am attuned to any frequency of sound that the universe has to offer.

-I am attuned to Gods Holy Fire of purification.

-sacred geometry ( I often get downloaded and have access to the energy of specific geometry from the universe)

There is more and one day I will teach on them!

Each step of the way has been beautiful to connect and remember all that I am has been profound in many ways.

Now when someone comes for a session with me the activations will begin for them.

We are the entire universe and it’s all inside of us!

I look forward to working with you one day!


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