This is important to know on so many levels. With everything going on right now I feel the plant medicine is so helpful for me! 💚
I tend to use palo santo bc I love the smell and it burns just enough to waft around me and my area.
I use it when I wake up to begin my day, when I get in the car to leave the Hosptial at night, and before bed. I have a routine that I have been doing for 10 years now that has saved my life in so many ways. A disciplined mind results in miracles that are unexplainable in so many ways.
I love the palo santo because it brings me to a place of complete surrender to the spirit that surrounds me. The smoke as it wafts around me is transmuting the energies around and within me into this beautiful neutral place where My energy body feels so fresh and rejuvenated.
I use a California sage before and after my clients as it moves out any lower energies and creates a neutral space and I then use palo santo to fill the space. 🙂
I must express this as it is very important to use ethically harvested materials. Our lands have already been ravaged enough. We must give thanks before picking the sage or cutting down the palo santo tree or any other plant for that matter.
Everything is vibration and what you take from momma earth is always noticed by the divine.
I give thanks before lighting anything and I give thanks after.
It may sound strange but that’s bc you have forgotten your roots and who you are. 💛
It’s time for you to wake up to your true self and the earth and all that surrounds we are here to help you!
I love you all!